
Fit Tips for Employee Office

Activities are hard done by office workers is to exercise, usually a single activity is often forgotten because of the rush and lack of time but was reluctant because it is considered synonymous with fatigue, fear of injury or sweat.

If we are very busy and have not considered sufficient time to exercise, think again. Many ways to exercise  if  we busy, moderate exercise such as roads, jogging, cycling or swimming 3 times a week with time at least 30 minutes will provide benefits to fitness, try to get around the time. we have to work out the way: 

Set Establishment
For health and fitness not only to themselves but also to all keluarga.Buat a commitment yourself to do physical activity, as part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Define Objectives
Determine short-term goals and long-term, short-term goal can be started by adding a few minutes of exercise we have done. While goal can be a long-term outcomes to be achieved such as weight loss, reduce cholesterol levels and maintain blood sugar levels or blood pressure. 

Routine Activity Plan has
try for sporting activities conducted in accordance with the office routine, and remember not to become lazy to exercise just because of missed one-time schedule prescribed exercise.

Be Realistic
Do not do sports that you do not like or that can make you feel uncomfortable. Choose sports that favor, which will make us eager to do so.

Exercise With Friends
Invite co-workers to exercise regularly, because in addition to better strengthen relationships and also will encourage the spirit and togetherness.
Happy Exercising ... ...

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